Monday 5 January 2015

Happy Holidays!

We’re just reaching the end of the holiday season now, and from all on the Cook, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

One of our three Christmas trees, guarding the Secret Santa presents
Although collecting as much data for the scientific purpose of this cruise is the priority on the ship, activities were allowed to stop for a period of 18 hours to celebrate Christmas Day. 
The morning was generally a busy time with scientists rushing to finish sampling the Christmas morning CTD and the catering and stewarding team working their socks off to create a special meal for the whole ship. After an aperitif in the bar, along with the opening of Secret Santa presents, we all sat down to an incredible lunch, complete with a toast to the Queen by the youngest officer, Paul, and speeches from the Captain and the Principal Scientist. After being thoroughly stuffed, we all retired to the bar or had a quick nap before the afternoon quiz, and partook in some terrible dancing in the evening.

The mess decorated and ready for the Christmas meal, complete with crackers with terrible jokes
For New Years Eve, we were steaming to the next station, so everyone was able to gather in the bar to welcome in 2015. As is tradition at sea, the oldest person on board, Bob our chief engineer, rang the ship’s bell to ring out the new year, and the youngest person, Emma, than rang in the new year. 

The Captain's speech
Despite being many miles from home, friends and family, the team on the ship put a lot of effort in to create a sense of holiday spirit, and we are all very thankful.

We hope you all have a fantastic 2015, and your year didn’t begin with too much of a headache.

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